Eco Church
Holy Redeemer is an A Rocha UK 'Gold' Award Church. It is the first one in the Diocese of Rochester.

‘Lord God, the earth is yours and all that is in it. We pledge ourselves to your service in caring for your creation, that your kingdom may grow from seed of hope into the tree of righteousness and justice for the world.’ Though Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (Romans 8:21)
Our Engagement
Our church mission as an Eco Church under Caring for God's Creation is centred around these five key areas:
Worship and teaching
Management of church buildings
Management of church land
Community and global engagement
We work really hard to restore nature and increase biodiversity in our family friendly garden which is a haven of peace for everyone. Our worship and teaching reflect our love and passion for the environment which is spiritually embedded in all we do. We support and promote many local and world wide organisations that care for nature and God’s creation on earth. Each year we take part in outdoor services, special projects and events and we make an Eco Act of Commitment to pledge to care for creation during a green communion.

Our Eco Principles
As Christians in our community we adhere to the 9 Ways of Living Gently. We reduce our food waste and buy less clothing to prevent as much as possible going to landfill. We encourage all to follow a sustainable lifestyle following the principles of the 7R's:
Rejoice - in all that God has given us
Refuse - to believe the adverts
Reduce - buy less, travel less, worry less
Reuse - avoid single-use items
Repair- don’t bin it, fix it
Rent - borrow and share, ownership is over-rated
Recycle - as a last resort
LOAF: Local, Organic, Animal Friendly and Fair Trade
Bread is full of symbolic meaning for Christians. In the gospels Jesus described Himself as “the bread of life”. We support and adopt Green Christian’s LOAF principles? LOAF stands for food that is: Locally produced, Organically grown, Animal friendly and Fairly traded.
We work in partnership with A Rocha UK and Green Christian.

Which organisations do we support?
We engage with and support a wide variety of wildlife charities and environmental organisations. We raise funds and highlight the work God is doing through those who work on projects during our community cafe and mid - week time together and through our worship and on our Eco Activity Days. Organisations and charities we support and continue to promote:

Our Leaders
Ingrid Riches is our Eco Church Rep and our link to A Rocha UK. She oversees our Lifestyle and Global Engagement and uses her art, creativity and research skills to inspire and help us engage with our earth, its wildlife and our natural world. Mell our vicar plans and delivers the Worship and Teaching element which leads into our mission throughout the year. Together they agree a set of objectives and themes to work on during the church year.
All ages engage with these on Sundays, during the week and during the seasons. Mell teaches our pre-school children, leads our Green Communion, Green Week and Creation-tide learning alongside Ingrid and the church and involves the wider community.
Ingrid and Mell are supported by the Church 'Green Team' who tend to the Buildings and Land and our beautiful garden and green spaces. Our Green Team link up with outside organisations and assist with prayers and worship on 'Green Sundays', they will facilitate art projects and other ideas at key times of the year.

Ingrid Riches with Mell and our Eco Partners A Rocha UK
Come along and join in, help out, or just relax in the restorative power of nature. Be part of our loving eco family as together we live lightly on the planet.
Find out more about Eco Church below: