Midweek Activities
To find out more about a group and register to join please contact the Vicar or Church Leaders who can signpost you to the group facilitator. We have great opportunities for fellowship and friendship with lots of midweek activities these include:

Sewing Group Tuesdays in Church 2pm till 4pm
βOur resident knit and natter group who crochet too. They meet every week in the afternoon. For new beginners or knitting experts everyone is welcome. Join in, learn some skills and get involved in some lovely projects.
'Well Being' Wednesdays

Community Café meets every Wednesday in Church 1pm - 3pm.
A warm space with free wifi, tea, coffee and cake and friendly chat. A supportive and safe space to help combat loneliness and social isolation. There are opportunities to meet new people and make friends, try some art or just soak up the friendly and welcome atmosphere.

'Natures Haven' art group meets every Wednesday at 1pm during the Cafe.
Come and try your hand at some art and learn about nature too, help and guidance and a chance to just doodle, experiment or join in a creative project. Therapeutic and healing through art. Materials and refreshments provided.
'Green Eco Group' gather in Spring to Autumn on Wednesday mornings 10am till 1pm.
Join in some gardening or DIY including repairs, planting and various Eco projects in our beautiful garden, bring your ideas, tools, gifts and skills, get fitter, enjoy the outdoors and be a part of caring for this very special green space on Days Lane.

Faithful Thursdays
On Thursday evenings during the seasons we engage in bible study and fellowship. During Lent and Advent there is a special Christian faith course in church.

Community Lunches
Community and fellowship lunches, cream teas and suppers take place throughout the church year at various times of the year. These are advertised on the Church Calendar under Events.
Women's Fellowship Groups
These take place on Wednesday evening at 7pm in the Community Centre and on the second Thursday of the month at 2pm in the Church. There are various talks, quizzes, trips and activities with refreshments.
Activity Groups
GKR Karate meet on Monday and Thursday 7.30pm.
Brownies and Guides meet on Friday's at 6pm and 7.30pm term time only.
Sports4Tots meet Saturday 9am till 11am term time only.
